Ideas for home learning
To all our parents, carers and friends, we have created this evolving page with useful links to help you keep the children engaged while they are at home with you. We have grouped them to try and help you find what you might be looking for. We will continue to add to this as time passes, so keep popping back to see if there is something new for you to try. If you have any suggestions you can send them on to the email address at the bottom of the page.
Looking after your own mental health
Having good mental health helps us relax more, achieve more and enjoy our lives more. Here you will find expert advice and practical tips to help you look after your mental health and wellbeing.
Early Years Useful websites:
These are in addition to those on the document at the top of the page, and contain useful information in understanding and supporting your child's development.
Big Little Moments (via LEAP)
Hungry Little Minds
Power of Play (via Great Ormond Street Hospital)
Early Years Family Resources - Ideas to support your child's communication skills
Virtual Nature School - Daily sessions on YouTube to do outside with children. The previous sessions are available on the site. These are fun and exciting ways to continue to learn when outdoors.
The imagination tree has great ideas to do at home
Little bins for little hands with nice ideas
Learning to talk here are some tips and activities to help your child develop their speech skills
Having good mental health helps us relax more, achieve more and enjoy our lives more. Here you will find expert advice and practical tips to help you look after your mental health and wellbeing.
Early Years Useful websites:
These are in addition to those on the document at the top of the page, and contain useful information in understanding and supporting your child's development.
Big Little Moments (via LEAP)
Hungry Little Minds
Power of Play (via Great Ormond Street Hospital)
Early Years Family Resources - Ideas to support your child's communication skills
Virtual Nature School - Daily sessions on YouTube to do outside with children. The previous sessions are available on the site. These are fun and exciting ways to continue to learn when outdoors.
The imagination tree has great ideas to do at home
Little bins for little hands with nice ideas
Learning to talk here are some tips and activities to help your child develop their speech skills